**And just an FYI: if you see a book listed on my blog that is part of a series, just go ahead and assume that I've read all the books, or am working on reading ALL the books within that series. I may not always list them on here but trust me - they were read.

Monday, February 8, 2010

In the Forests of the Night

Author: Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

Yes, it's another book about vampires. Only this one is more about the vengeance of one vampire in particular. Rachel was turned, against her will in the year 1701. Since then she has fought against what and who she is, until she finally realizes that she is as strong as any vampire out there, maybe even stronger. That includes the one who lured her, and the one who made her. Renamed Risika by her maker, this is her story. Your journey begins with the past, and jumps back a fourth between present time and her past. You begin to understand why Risika is the way she is. This is a good story about finding yourself and doing things you never thought you could, or would. This was a real quick easy read. Go out and get it.

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