**And just an FYI: if you see a book listed on my blog that is part of a series, just go ahead and assume that I've read all the books, or am working on reading ALL the books within that series. I may not always list them on here but trust me - they were read.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Last Song

Author: Nicholas Sparks

Oh My Word!! This was such a great little book. I loved it. A great love story to read and go through.

Ronnie Miller is being sent to her dads for the summer with her little brother. She would rather die than spend the summer at her fathers in North Carolina. He's the one who left them so why should she even bother with him. He doesn't really want them, right?? He reminds her of everything she doesn't want to be anymore. He was a concert pianist and a music teacher, her teacher to be exact. She hasn't touched a piano since he left.

Ronnie finds her father ALWAYS playing the piano when she is home. She thinks he's trying to trick her into playing. She doesn't realize playing the piano is a release for him. Ronnie finally makes friends both good and bad, and finds herself in more drama than when she was back home in New York City.

Nicholas Sparks wrote a wonderful story about finding your first true love, the love between parents and children and finding the strength to carry on when you really don't want to. I highly recommend you read this book. It was great!!

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